Teaching and Speaking

As a homicide detective, Mark Mynheir’s has investigated a number of high profile cases that has given him the opportunity to be interviewed on Anderson Cooper’s 360, Fox News, CNN, and The 700 Club, as well as a many local news stations.3731351454_b015913699

Mark is also a popular writing teacher and conference speaker, drawing on his extensive law enforcement experience to help writers—novice and professionals alike—understand the police culture and use that knowledge to strengthen their stories and characters. He also instructs beginning writers in essentials of fiction writing and how to sharpen their skills to make their novels the best they can be. He has taught at The Florida Christian Writers’ Conference, The American Christian Fiction Writers’ Conference (ACFW), The Space Coast Writers’ Guild, Word Weavers, The Glen Eyrie Writers’ Conference, The Blue Ridge Writers’ Conference, and numerous book and writing clubs.

Mark also speaks to church and men’s groups on a variety of topics. If you’re interested in learning more, please e-mail Mark at mmynheir@gmail.com.

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