Christopher Mynheir’s Testimony

Christopher Mynheir Testimony
(Senior Year – High School)

My faith is what holds my life together; without it I would be nothing. However, being surrounded by Christianity my whole life has made living my faith a struggle, simply because I grew comfortable with it.

I was saved at the age of six in Kindergarten and had been raised in church my whole life, so believing in Jesus came naturally. Both of my parents were Christians, and my mom came from a Christian home, and I was, essentially, smothered with church. I knew what to believe, I knew what to say, but I just didn’t truly live my faith. I failed to understand the gravity of my sin and what had been done for me. God certainly had a hand in my life from the beginning moments of it, and I thank Him for what He has done in it.  Something, however, was missing.1463013_10151780235828807_1839232935_n

I thought that I was fine. My life was going great, and I had not had any major problems. I was brought up in Covenant since Kindergarten, so I had never experienced any sort of crisis of faith. That might’ve helped me more than the apathy that I was feeling. I was just coasting along. I had accumulated knowledge about God, but I was far away from Him emotionally.

When Life Action Ministries came to CPC, I didn’t necessarily think it was stupid, but I felt that it was for others, not me. But throughout the course of that week, I felt God knocking on the door of my heart, and I responded. The main speaker made me rethink my original position. I rededicated my life to Christ and vowed to start over, and I confessed to just about everything I could think of that I’d ever done. It was a turning point in my life; I now knew my faith was stronger. Apathy was still in my life; I was still afflicted by an apparent lack of zeal for the incredible grace I had been offered. I was still thinking Christianity more than feeling its effects in my heart.

After the revival, I felt closer to God emotionally, but I lived in fear that it might not be enough. I thought that my sins were still too great for any Christian to bear, but I John 1:8-9 enlightened me. It says, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” This verse showed me that while Christians should strive for holiness, we aren’t perfect.

God continues to help me in regard to my faith, and since the revival, I have felt stronger in my belief. God will hold on to all of us, when we stumble and when we fall. And Psalm 94:18 says “When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your love, O LORD, supported me.” God has had to initiate my participation in my relationship with Him at times, but He has never stopped loving me.

My faith is not anything that comes from me; God is the creator and sustainer. He has brought me through every trial, and He has strengthened me. I know that God has a plan for each of us, and since we’re seniors, we may just find out within the next few years what that means. Whatever might happen, though, God will see us through it.

*Chris passed away on July 11, 2017, and he walks in the presence of the Lord today.

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